Regional Event Fund

The Regional Event Fund identifies and supports events in regional NSW that enrich the state’s diverse calendar of event experiences, drive increased overnight visitation and boost local economies.

The program forms part of the NSW Government’s plan to grow the NSW visitor economy by empowering communities to host events that reflect their local culture and create authentic experiences that attract visitors and drive expenditure for local businesses.

Over the past 29 years, the program has delivered more than $14 million to more than 530 events across regional NSW.

Applicants are now invited to apply for the 2025/26 Regional Event Fund across three funding streams: Incubator EventFlagship Event and Event Development.

To be eligible, events must take place between 1 July 2025 and 30 June 2026, be held in one of the seven Destination Networks and meet the specific eligibility and assessment criteria outlined in the Grant Guidelines for the individual stream.


1. Incubator Event Stream

The Incubator Event stream supports the establishment of new events in their first or second year of operation with seed funding of up to $20,000 (ex GST) to support activities that are likely to establish an event as a driver of visitation.

Please read the Incubator Event Guidelines before commencing an application to ensure your event meets the requirements.

Applications close at 11:59pm (AEST) Sunday 6th April 2025. Late applications will not be accepted. 

Click here to apply for the Incubator Event Stream


2.Flagship Event Stream

The Flagship Event stream offers grants specifically to support marketing activities aimed at increasing visibility and attracting visitation to the event from outside its immediate area. Grants through the Flagship stream are only available to events that have been running for more than 2 years.

The Flagship Event stream offers two subcategories:

  • Annual grant – $20,000 (ex GST)
  • Triennial grant – $30,000 (ex. GST) per annum for three years (only open to events that have successfully completed three annual Flagship grants)

Please read the Flagship Event Guidelines before commencing an application to ensure your event meets the requirements.

Applications close at 11:59pm (AEST) Sunday 6th April 2025. Late applications will not be accepted.

Click here to apply for Flagship Event stream


3. Event Development Stream

The Event Development stream supports mature events that have already received the maximum funding permitted through the Flagship Event stream and can present a strategy for future growth that includes continued development of the event’s potential to drive overnight visitation.

The Event Development stream offers grants of up to $50,000 (ex GST) to support key strategic growth initiatives that will have a direct impact on increasing overnight visitation to the event.

Applicants should contact Destination NSW before starting their application to verify eligibility and discuss their event strategies. Additionally, it is recommended that applicants review the Event Development Guidelines thoroughly to ensure their event aligns with the necessary requirements.

Applications to the 2025/26 Event Development stream will remain open until 31 December 2025, or until funds are exhausted, whichever comes first.

Click here to apply for Event Development stream


Important Information

Events are eligible to receive only one grant from DNSW (Event Investment and/or any other grant programs including other streams of the Regional Event Fund) per Financial Year, across all programs.

If you previously applied for Incubator or Flagship event funding through the 2024/25 Regional Event Fund and would like to use your submitted application for guidance, please log in via the relevant portal: Incubator Event streamFlagship Event Stream.

For more information on the Regional Event Fund, please visit the Destination NSW website or contact the Grants Administration team via email


Engagement with Destination Southern NSW

We are keen to assist you with your application. Please get in touch with your Industry Development Manager:

We wish you every success with your application.



Below are some resources to assist you with your application.

Destination Southern Management Plan (DMP)

Destination NSW Visitor Economy Strategy 2030

Winning the Grant  – Webinar (60 minutes)

Winning the Grant – Slide Deck

Grants Workshop Notes

Event Organiser Toolkit

Image: Narooma Oyster Festival 2023 -Vendors | Credit David Rogers Photography

Category: Campaigns | Factsheets