Destination Southern NSW
Welcome to Destination Southern NSW. We represent and coordinate the growth and development of the Southern NSW visitor economy.
Our values are underpinned by how we want to develop as a destination. Our focus is on delivering responsible tourism – environmentally, socially, culturally, economically, and ethically. We want to be front of mind when potential visitors think about a day trip, short break, or holiday, to have a focus on inclusion and contribute to our region’s bright future.
Our vision is that Southern New South Wales stakeholders work collaboratively to showcase and develop their sub-regions as compelling destinations and contribute to the regional NSW $25 billion visitor expenditure target by 2030.
Visit the About Us page to find out more about DSNSW and meet our team.
Read how we facilitate visitor economy growth across the region in the Southern NSW Destination Management Plan 2022-2030
Our People
Meet our board of directors, who we are and what we do.
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