
How to Do Tourism | Develop Workshop

HomeHow to Do Tourism | Develop Workshop

Destination Southern NSW hosts free interactive sessions for industry operators that introduce the Destination NSW – NSW First Program, including fundamentals on making a successful tourism business. During the session, we explore opportunities within the tourism industry and provide information on developing tourism experiences.

Topics include:

  • An overview of the NSW tourism industry.
  • The role of Destination NSW, Destination Southern NSW, and local councils and how each of these organisations can help your tourism business.
  • Why having an up-to-date ATDW listing is essential for your business and how to receive help to maximise opportunities.
  • Developing a tourism experience that matches the needs of travellers, is highly visible, and is easy to book.
  • Case studies and next steps in planning for your tourism experience.

This free interactive session is suitable for accommodation providers, tour operators, food and drink venues, attractions, and anyone with a new tourism idea or those interested in tourism.

Participants learn how to better navigate the tourism industry, understand how to enhance tourism experiences and learn how to develop a bookable product.

For more information on when the next sessions will be held, or any other questions, please contact the Industry Development Manager for your region:

Jenny Robb | Industry Development Manager – South Coast & Snowies | jenny.robb@dsnsw.com.au

Kylie Bushby | Industry Development Manager – Southern Tablelands | kylie.bushby@dsnsw.com.au