Understanding the opportunity for Australia in Accessible Tourism (2018)

HomeUnderstanding the opportunity for Australia in Accessible Tourism (2018)

Tourism Research Australia, in partnership with Tourism, Events and Visitor Economy branch of the Victorian Government, and Tourism and Events Queensland, commissioned a study into accessible tourism in Victoria, Queensland and Australia. The research was conducted between April and August. This document is a summary of the research undertaken by MyTravelResearch.com.

This report provides an understanding of the current situation and potential of Australia’s domestic tourism market for accessible travel, including the:

 current size and future potential of the market for accessible tourism, especially for Victoria and Queensland
 drivers of, and barriers to, accessible tourism
 needs of travellers with a disability and those who travel with them
 experience delivered – including during the planning phase – both as a measure of satisfaction, and to identify new areas for experience and product development or supporting infrastructure
 most effective communication channels to reach this audience including the role of advocacy in travel for this segment
 best ways to support businesses to become (more) accessible
 opportunities to grow the market